Monday, March 22, 2010

Postings: Jobs from the PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE

Nostalgic or just being gaga over the things I’ve done? Thinking what I did from the past, did it hurt? Did it change? Did I enjoy it? Questions which are ready to unfold and say, “There are more things to come”.

My momma always says, “Life is a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get” – a famous line of Forrest Gump from the movie, Forrest Gump in 1994. I don’t know how to interpret the true meaning of this. However, life is really, really complicated.

One of my teachers in Filipino during my high school, she said that quote and will always remember. It’s really true. That’s why I asked myself, what’s my purpose? I even read the Bible to gain some wisdom and inquire to sage people (older than me or sometimes younger than me). Is it really complicated?

My answer, “Sa malamang sa hindi, Oo”. It’s like a rollercoaster. You will be turned upside down. You just have to control your intimate feelings and opinions sometimes. And learn how to be Romans like Romans.

Why don’t I look over the jobs I did. And let’s apply the Forrest Gump quote; the life is complicated message of my teacher and Be Romans like Romans.

I feel like I’m Narcissus in this article. But somehow, you may get this example for the failures, accomplishments and so-so things you’ve done to your life. This will let you see how things are way too different from each other.

Come with me and see how these jobs change, reveal and teach me lessons to ponder.

• The Student in the wilderness finding true knowledge and wisdom – you never know the studious person who enjoyed life playing computer games and doing nasty things outside school. It’s complicated due to some family restraints, problems at school and at home that I become a scapegoat artist sometimes. And love affairs that I should not miss. Be like your classmates in different aspects of life. You should be friendly to them. In the end, you will share your problems, success and neutrals after graduation or even a couple of years. Terrorist teachers are surely annoying but after the semester and years. You will remember and thanked them for you will become tough and decisive. Of course, there’s nothing exceptional than those inspiring teachers who wanted their students to be somebody or nobody but a good person.
• The Lay Out artist for summer job – just endorsed by mom to her friend. She’s an owner of a printing press in Recto, Manila, and the heart of artisans. I learned through observations, on-the-spot work and mistakes. The chocolate is bitter-sweet. I want this job for a lifetime but the payment is not that good. It’s quite complicated for I was judged as a doer of those fake diplomas and transcripts. That’s stereotypical; I lay out wedding invitations, calling cards, formal letters and receipts.
• The Nursing Intern that is against my will – Helping the needy is a sign of being a Good Samaritan. However, it’s not the career I wanted. It’s my mom’s who pushed me to get that study. It’s unexpected that my personality is somewhat like Mother Teresa for three years. It’s complicated that you‘re helping people but your family is facing financial problems due to high tuition and spending to that course.
• Call Center agents at its peak – when I decided not to pursue my Nursing career. This type of job is cool. The training was great, people are interactive and you’ll learn to be competitive. It wasn’t my plan to work as a Customer Service Representative. However, workforce availability is at its peak to get into this job. The pay is good especially its incentives but be ready to ever changing shifting schedules.
• Phone English teacher – how fantastic our technology is changing? I thought teachers and tutors are merely one-on-one. But not the way I was raised and taught. I teach different Korean people (age, sex, educational attainment and job) through phone and using internet connection that serves as a book. I do want to be a teacher before. It wasn’t expected, too. Somehow, I enjoyed doing this job. The complication to this job is low salary and sometimes your benefits are not paid. What if I’ll get sick? Although, it’s not as stressful as call center.
• Article writer – this is the easiest and most creative job I did. However, you have to be a good researcher and be careful with plagiarism. This job is somewhat expected for I long to be a writer. It’s complicated though, due to the fact that benefits is highly needed like Social Security System or SSS, Philhealth and Pag-Ibig. These are really, really necessary. My words of wisdom: I’ll read more books and practice more writing as time goes by. I will go back to this lovely job anytime soon.
• Proofreader – a required one hundred fifty (150) hours for my practicum. It’s a needed requirement to my course. But I enjoy doing the job. It’s more of reading which I always wanted as a hobby. And now, I’m improving my reading skills by being finicky to punctuations, spelling, proper use of words and grammar. It’s complicated because it’s only an on-the-job training. Applying for this job is somewhat short-listed. I might apply to this job when there is an opportunity.

I’ve learned that living in this world, we ought to get many jobs and responsibilities as we can. The best thing to say is to be happy on what you’re doing and if not, then quit. I learned how to fight and conquer. My work ethics developed a lot.

My only question would be what’s next?

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